February 28, 2019
By Victor Chen and Vani Sharma
For many Lexington High School students, community service is a 40 hour hindrance, a tedious box to check before graduation. But when students dive deeply into service, it can be impactful and rewarding. We interviewed students who have used the LHS community service requirement as an opportunity to build relationships and learn outside of the classroom.
“I once worked with young Arab students in Israel. My responsibility was to improve their school’s learning environment, and to ensure the safety of the school. As I worked with the students, we talked with each other about the relationship we should have, and how interpersonal respect goes a long way during times when there is conflict in Israel.”
-Sage Fabricant, a senior, volunteered in Israel.
“At the hospital, I helped various veterans with their activities, and engaged in thoughtful discussions with them about the way they were treated. It was my responsibility to keep them company… The importance of doing community service really needs to be emphasized. I think it would be a good idea if teachers had students do classroom activities that require them to help someone in a specific way.
-Sabrina Quadir, a junior, volunteered at Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital in Bedford, MA.
“I think that community service is viewed as a chance to show the world outside of the classroom what good us young students can do. It is viewed as an opportunity to make a difference despite our lack of presence in the workforce…One of the more meaningful activities I did was assisting in the ‘Yes’ science club for 4th graders at Bowman elementary school. It was great to see that I could be a positive influence in the club’s activities, potentially making [them] more fun and productive,” Volan said.
-Isaac Volan, a junior, regularly volunteers at a local farm, and helped with an elementary school science club.
“I have volunteered at children’s Halloween parties, a few elementary school fairs, and the annual spaghetti supper at Hastings and Fisk’s. In addition, I once picked up trash around Lexington High School. In each of these activities, I played a role, but picking up trash is the most memorable activity. I was with my friends and my sister, and we picked up a lot of trash.”
-Lauren Wedgwood, a junior, has participated in a variety of community service activities.